Sunday, November 22, 2009

The 3rd Date and The End.

So David and I talked a lot about everything on our dates and through texting. Anyways for our 3rd date David asked me to come keep him warm at the USU vs. Boise State football which was on Nov. 20, at 7:30 PM. I figured it was going to be a cold night!

David picked me up and we went to Jimmy Johns and split a sandwich then had to run back to my house to grab Emily's ID card that I forgot. We went to the game all prepared with hats, gloves, extra socks, coats and blankets. And as it turned out it was a warm night in the 50's! And although USU lost by 31 points it was a fun time. Afterwards we got back to my house and sat in the driveway in David’s car for almost 2 hours just talking.
Talking is the best way to get to know someone, you get to know what they are all about. The following day was not only Andy and Leza's 1 year anniversary but my cousin Brady got married that day down in SLC. So my family went down and that whole day I was kinda in a foul mood, not grouchy to anyone or mean, but just quiet and thinking. Although it finally hit me the next morning why I was that way. I realized that it was mine and David's talk.
The way he looks at things are not what I'm looking for, he is very mediocre in looking at things of the gospel, and the church. I'm not looking for the next apostle but I do want someone who is willing to take those callings and learn from them, not someone who complains about his current calling or thinks those 'bigger' callings are for Peter Priesthood. I'm not saying I want a Peter Priesthood, but I am looking for someone who has a great testimony and wants to continue to grow! I'm no where near perfect but I love learning more and growing, thats what callings and talking in church is for, to help you learn and grow.
I still like him, and one day he is going to make someone very happy, but he's just not the guy for me. I'm going to still keep looking.


Dustin said...

Good for you, Drew...

Sandra said...

Way to be grown up- even though it is not always fun, this is a great thing to know

Hillary said...

Oh drew I've been reading through your blog! Love it! Dont ever settle for someone that isn't up to your standards. You keep looking for that guy..and you'll get him :)
Love ya

Drewann Flandro said...

Thanks guys! I've come to learn that you can't go through life looking for that one special person... you have to learn to love yourself, be the person you want them to be and you'll gain great friends, have great opportunities, and I've heard that special someone will come... I'm just trying to find out if its true... lol. Anyways no I love being single and I know I deserve the best and he'll come whe its time :)