Monday, July 16, 2012

SLC date... such a great day!

So this was quite awhile ago... (June 15th) but I have some time to blog for a minute.
So I got up this Friday morning and since Jared likes it I curled my hair for our date. Jared came over when I was ready and we headed down to Salt Lake.
Our first stop was the Hogle Zoo, sorry I don't have any pictures, but we just walked around the park checking out all the animals. Our favorite was the new Polar Bear exhibit. That bear was working the crowd. He had a whole system down. He'd take a lap, dive in the water, come up by the glass then push back to the middle of the pool, he'd then dive again and do it all over again. We probably stood there watching him for 10-15 minutes, but he was just so darn cute.
After the zoo we were kinda hungry, but food in the zoo was a little expensive so we decided to go down town. Jared took me to this little cafe where we got sandwiches, and canoli's for dessert. We sat there and ate while deciding what to do next. 
Jared has some way fun ideas, he took me to a nickle arcade down in Murray. We spent 2-3 hours just goofing off challenging each other and finishing up by taking some pictures in the photo booth.
To finish up the day we went to Fashion Place Mall and walked around for a minute then had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. This was the first time I'd been there and oh my was it good!
When we get back to Logan we go over to Jared's parents for a minute because Jared is so thoughtful and got his mom and sister an order of Avocado Rolls that he knew they loved. After we chill and chat for a bit we go back to Jared's apartment and finished the night by cuddling up with a movie.

Monday, June 18, 2012


I know you have all been waiting for this post...
I have the best boyfriend EVER!!!

Yup you read that right, I've got myself a Boyfriend!!! and look how handsome he is!!

Wow the last few weeks have gone by so fast, but they have been so fun. I love getting to know Jared, and he is just so great! But I guess I should give you the update on how this all came about.

Jared and I have been in the same ward since I moved into my apartment in November... but we never met, I didn't know him until about 5 weeks ago. I was on our ward Facebook page and  I saw his picture with his name, I didn't think anything of it other than his last name was Flandro... I knew his sister Morgan and I facebooked her, she told me to punch him next time I saw him. Well I finally met him at FHE out at Bishops, I said hi, and we talked for a minute, I just told him I knew his sister and that was it, nothing else.
(FYI: my apartment this summer made a Facebook page to invite people over to our place to hangout, watch movies, play outside, etc.) 
Later in the week after I met Jared at FHE he asked to join our Facebook page, I confirmed that he could, then he added me on Facebook. I really didn't think too much about this, he was in the ward and you always need more friends. Well a week went by before anything came about. 
Jared invited himself over on May 23 to watch a movie. Me and Tami didn't mind at all, we love having people over to watch movies. Although that night I was super tired and ended up sleeping in the Love Sac through most of Hairspray. Jared scared me awake after the movie was over, and i was only awake for a few minutes before I fell asleep again, lol. I woke up about 20 minutes later and Tami, Jared, and Lucien were still there talking. They were talking about dating, and Jared was telling Tami how she needed to just be blunt, straight forward with guys, to not beat around the bush. He then used me to show an example, and instead of putting your hand by his leg... you just grab the knee. Yeah I was startled... remember I was still waking up and suddenly Jared was grabbing my knee. And then he showed how you get to hold someones hand, again he used me. I was thinking in my head how crazy this guy was, grabbing my knee, and holding my hand, both times longer than was necessary, but I was half asleep still so I just chalked it up to me being out of it. Then they left and I didn't see or talk to Jared again until Friday.
Friday night we decided to watch a scary movie... since they make the best cuddling movies. Sadly the movie we choose was Super 8 and it wasn't very scary at all. It did the job though, Jared put the moves on me and we cuddled during the movie. After the movie we talked for a bit, and I'm pretty sure that night he got my number (yeah i don't remember for sure if he got it Friday night or Saturday).
Jared came over again Saturday night and we watched Narnia, Tami was going to watch with us, but she went next door and didn't come back until I went and got her, but its okay since we got to cuddle through the movie.
Sunday we saw each other at church, Jared made me lunch which was great, he made spaghetti with sausage meatballs and red sauce made from scratch, and he looked so cute in his church clothes with his pistol in the back of his slacks... very attractive!
Monday was Memorial Day, I spent most of the day with my family doing some shopping for Gary's wedding. Monday evening though my family did a fire and Jared came with me and met everyone... including  Andy, Leza and Brody, but excluding Gary and Chelsey, and everyone loved him. Mom even invited him to Gary's reception that weekend. After the fire we came back to the apartment and watched a movie, and Jared decided that since he met the family and was planning on going to the reception he should take me on a date.
Tuesday, Jared took me to Tandoori Oven for dinner, then I met his parents at his brother Rhett's hockey game. After the game we got ice cream at Cold Stone and then watched a movie at his place... we like watching movies.
Wednesday was another movie night.
Thursday I spent the day with my family since Morgan Graduated!!! Then we set up for Gary's luncheon. When Jared got off work I was still at my parents so he came up there to make cookies with us.
Friday was Gary's wedding, and it was a beautiful day. The temple and luncheon were both great. I got home around 4:30 and went over to Jared's apartment to sign a contract for fall... yup I got housing for next year. Jared came over to my place just before 5 and we went out to the reception. Jared met people from my home ward/neighborhood, he met my extended family, and he met Lindsay and Travis. I think my family didn't know what to think about him, the neighborhood was fine, and Lindsay and Travis loved him. It was a great night. After the reception Jared took me out to dinner at Gia's, so good, then we went back to my place where I put on my sweats and went over to Jared's to watch another movie.
Saturday after work Jared, Tami, and I got sno cones, went to the Zoo, got pizza and ate it out on the lawn.
Sunday Jared decided to stake his claim on me in Elders Quorum but telling everyone, during a game of Jeopardy, that he had kissed me the previous week.
There is our first week of dating... Sorry this was such a long post. I'll keep posting the other fun stuff we have done later.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mango-Spinach Dream

Yes, they all look the same... but each one is very different.
Here is the Mango-Spinach Dream. Again I had to modify this one as the full recipe wouldn't fit into my bullet.
3 cups spinach
2 cups mango flesh
1 banana
2 cups of orange juice

And what I actually did...
1 1/2 ish cups spinach
1 1/2 ish cups mango flesh
1 banana
1 cup of orange juice (freshly squeezed)

I forgot to to the banana in until I was writing this down... but I just added it and this smoothie is fantastic!! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pear-Kale Smoothie

Here we have the Pear-Kale Smoothie.
Much better than yesterdays!!
1 pear
3 leaves of kale... stems removed
1/2 cup water

and I don't like so much leafy greens so I added a Kiwi.
I like this one :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hello Kiwi

Today's Green Smoothie is Hello Kiwi.
I improvised a little on this one because my bullet is not big enough to do the whole recipe... this is where a blender would come in handy.
2 cups green seedless grapes
3 kiwis
1 orange
2 tbsp aloe vera juice
5 leaves romaine lettuce 
2 cups water.

What I actually did
1 1/2 cups green seedless grapes
2 kiwis
1 orange
1 tbsp kelp powder (i couldn't find the aloe juice to buy)
2 leaves romaine lettuce.

This one is not that good. I don't know if its just because I've had a rough morning: feeling really crampy, ready to throw up, and super light headed. Or if its just not that good. But oh well, I'm not quitting now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Smoothie

Today is the first day of my Green Smoothies :)
This is the Happy Smoothie:
1 Banana
1/2 tsp Kelp Powder
1 Orange
2 Collard Leaves
Water to thin.

Its not the most delicious smoothie I have ever had, but its not the worst either.
So here is to being healthier!!
Bottoms up.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Get to Know You!

Sorry my posts have been so long as of late, but I guess that is just the way it is. So I asked my friends to give me a bunch of questions that would be good to ask someone who you want to get to know a little better, the first ones are the ones they gave me, the rest I got off a website. I think I'm going to start randomly posting these on facebook to see what people answer... you know I love things like that! Let me know what you think of the questions, or comment with some you've thought of!

What do you feel your best quality is?
When you die, how do you want people to remember you?
What do you wish was different about the world we live in?
What color are your eyes?
Skinny jeans or wranglers?
Sunset or sunrise?
Would you rather watch a movie or go jump in a river?
Scary movie? Chick flick? Funny comedy? Action?
What is your favorite flavor of gum?
How many action figures did you collect as a kid?
Have you ever killed anyone?
Are you really from Mars and are part of the Alien Protection Program?
Do you like cheese?
Would you approve of waking up with me sitting next to your bed with a cupcake in hand, and saying (in a very raspy/sexual voice) I made breakfast, darling?
Who is your favorite super hero?
What is your favorite day of the week?
If you could be anyone for a day who would you be?
Say you have a day off, money wasn’t a problem, what season do you wish it would be and what would you do?
What are the top 6 items on your bucket list?
What do you want out of life?
When was the last time you peed your pants?
Deal breakers in a relationship?
What is your middle name?
What is your nickname from high school?
When is your birthday?
Any tattoos or pierced body parts?
What's your favorite color?
What is your favorite flower?
What do you do for exercise?
What is on your bedside table?
What was your best Halloween costume for Halloween?
If you could play any instrument, which would you play?
If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be?
Apple juice or orange juice?
Coke or Pepsi?
Are you a morning or night person?
Where is your favorite Hiking Trail?
Name a singer that you can’t stand the sound of
If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do?
If you were a kitchen appliance – what would you be and please make the sound of that appliance?
What do you remember about your high school prom?
What is the best restaurant you have ever dined at?
What’s your favorite holiday?
Have you ever been mentioned in a newspaper?
Tell me about your first road trip in your first car
If you could get free airfare - name a country you would visit.
What is your education - do you have a college degree?
If you had to choose a sport to watch - would it be Football or Basketball
What is your favorite curse word?
What’s your favorite smell?
What’s your favorite cereal?
When was the last time you fired a gun?
Have you ever gone skinny dipping or streaking?
What is your lucky number?
Which bill do you hate paying most?
How do you prefer to get the news?
Are you right or left-handed?
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
What is your most treasured possession?
Adult Beverage of choice?
Where is your favorite beach?
What is your favorite food?
Do you own an iphone, blackberry, camera phone or an ipod?
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
What is your favorite junk food to snack on?
Favorite breakfast food to eat?
Do you like to dance?
Why did you split up with your last lover?
What was your favorite childhood television program?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
What was the last concert you went to?
How much schooling have you had?
Who do you live with?
Are you a collector of anything?
Name three things you really like to do
Who are your friends? Describe these people.
What do you like to read?
Where were you born?
What jobs have you had in the past?
Have you ever met anybody famous before?
Are all people truly created equal?
Describe your fighting style: drunken master or angry monkey?
What do you believe makes a successful life?
Do you like interacting with large groups of people?
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
Which is your favorite season and why?
What makes you laugh?
What shocks or offends you?
Do you have any pet peeves?
If you had a lot of money, where would we go on vacation?
What is your idea of an ideal boyfriend/girlfriend?
What are some of the little things you appreciate about your life?
What is your favorite kind of pie?
How is/was your relationship with your parents?
Where is your favorite restaurant?
What is your favorite part of your job?
What is your favorite movie to watch over and over again?
Best concert
What music are you listening to these days?
What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?
What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
If someone told you they saw me with another guy/girl, what would your first reaction be?
What is the longest love relationship (partner) you have had, and if it has ended, why?
What kind of a boy or girl interests you?
Do you like children?
Have you ever eaten any children?
If given a choice, which farm animal would you want to be? Why? Can you make the sound?
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
Do you believe in Santa?
How much TV do you watch?
What “bad” thing did you do as a kid that your parents never found about?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

I love when my nephew comes and visits! Andy, Leza, and Brody just live too far away down in Vernal, Ut. We don't see them all the time. But they stayed for a few days this weekend.
The plan had been to come up Friday night, spend Saturday with my family and then Sunday they were headed to Highland with Leza's family, then they would head home to Vernal. This was the plan since they brought the truck... it costs too mush in gas to go back and forth that much. But I love them so much and wanted them to stay that I sacrificed my car for a day. So they came back up and left Tuesday morning.
They didn't get in until late Friday night and then I had to work 9-5 on Saturday. They were out shopping when I got off work so I went and joined them. We all got new dresses. Then we went to Kohl's since Leza needed shoes for Brody's church outfit. While we were there we found the cutest little girls clothes and helped convince her she needs a little girl! But of course it'll still be on her time, and she said if she got a little boy again they'd have to try for another ;) (love you Leza!)
Saturday night Andy and Leza went out with some friends and left Brody in my care! I let him share my banana spilt then gave him a bath, and feed him a bottle and snuggled a little bit while he slept. Then I put him in the play pen and came back to my apartment... which as of late is very lonely and quiet! I need more friends!
Sunday I went to my own ward in my new cute outfit I bought at Forever 21 at City Creek... a red pencil skirt and a black and white frilly top. Then I wore my Christmas shoes with it. After church I had a snack... which I was very glad I had and watched a movie. I went over to the parents house around 3, where as soon as I stepped in the house Tanner started bargaining with me for some of my candy. I helped dad with some dinner preparations. About 4:30 Andy and Leza got home and I took Brody outside for a minute and let Rawley run around. Brody just loves watching Rawley and Moose. It was then time for dinner so we went inside. Easter dinner is one of my favorite meals. We do ham, potato salad, fruit salad, deviled eggs, and rolls (someone forgot the rolls this year). After dinner we went over to 1st dam to enjoy the good weather. Sadly we got there and there was a sign that no dogs were allowed so Rawley had to stay in the bed of the truck the whole time. Brody sure did enjoy all the ducks, geese, and seagulls though.
That night we watched Tower Heist, way good movie btw. I came home around 11 and realized I needed to put my laundry away before I could sleep, bummer.
Monday morning I got a message from mom rubbing it in that she had got a sub for the day and was going to spend all day with Brody. I was suppose to work till 3, but one stylist was sick and we had to cover her shift, I had to work late, and I had been planning to go to the gym. Well it was a busy morning, but the afternoon slowed down so I got off right after 4 and decided to skip the gym and just go straight to the parents.
We went and did more shopping since Leza had got some Kohl's cash on Saturday and she could use it Monday, otherwise it would have been a waste. We got Brody some more clothes and then mom and Leza got sunglasses. Andy decided to be helpfully and was taking the tag off Leza's glasses before we left the store... yup he broke them... now she had to go back and find different ones.
That night we started up the fire pit and roasted hot dogs, Brody loved sitting outside with us in the walker, until he got cold. Andy and Leza decided to go over to her parents to say goodbye. We had rootbeer floats while they were gone. When they got back it was bedtime so we all said goodbye.
It was such a great weekend!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Old Abandoned Hyde Park Mine

Once upon a Friday night, Crystal was talking to Ashley. Ashley was telling how the next night a group was going to go explore a mine, and we should join them. They were planning to go around 9ish, after the boys got back from their Priesthood meeting.
Saturday came and all enjoyed Conference. Crystal went over to her brothers to babysit her nephews, and I ended up at my parents for a bit and went shopping with my mom and sisters.
Long about 8:50 I called Crystal, since she wasn't home yet, and asked her what the plan was, she didn't know, she hadn't heard from Ashley. Alright, not a big deal, Crystal was going to come home and then we'd figure out what to do that night.
Crystal got home 20 minutes later and didn't say anything about meeting up with Ashley. 10 more minutes went by and then Crystal yelled at me that it was time to leave. Good thing I had already changed my clothes and just had to throw my tennis shoes on. We then walked across the street to Casey's apartment where everyone was meeting up/waiting on us. We got there and they pushed us out of the apartment as they were all ready.
There was 12 of us, and I can't tell you everyone as I only met a few of them, and it was dark. 5 of us got into Casey's Elantra, and the other 7 got into a Buick (i think), it had a front bench seat so 3 were there and the other 4 squished in back. The ones I know were Casey (who I'd only met once before), Brianna, Ashley, Crystal, and Trevor (who I only knew from the few times he'd reffed Crystals soccer games at the Sports Academy). Driving up to the mine was fun, we gave Casey a hard time with his driving... he was making some really wide turns, and going super slow, it was kinda ridiculous.
Once we got up the canyon we climbed out and enjoyed the night for a minute, it was a really clear and bright night, and we had a great view of the valley. We then started hiking up towards the mine, or so we thought. Casey was leading the way and then one of the other guys was confused at where we were and realized Casey had gone the wrong way. So we turned around got back to the campsite and went the other way. 
The mine has a really small opening, you had to crawl down into it, and then once inside the opening you had to crawl on your stomach to get back into the mine shaft. 8 people went in before I did, but once I got down there things changed, we heard a deep growling sound. Now get this straight... I love scary movies, not satanic, horror films, but a good scary movie, one that just gets your adrenaline going a bit, and my dad was always one to scare us, but inside a mine, where you just had to crawl through a small opening on your stomach to get into... you're trapped and it is freaky! Then we hear it again.
Of all people I start to panic, and we hurry the little ways back to the opening. I start questioning Casey about them pulling a prank on us, and telling him it wasn't funny and they should stop. He swears it wasn't a prank they were pulling, and then it sounded again. Finally everyone was down but we were spooked. The boys of course want to investigate what was making the noise, but none of us were really interested, a few of the girls bailed and Trevor went with them since he was claustrophobic and wasn't too thrilled about being in the mine. One guy who had a big lantern walked to a fork in the shaft and guessed that the noise was coming from the shaft straight ahead and we'd be fine to go down the one to the left. We kept hearing the growl and I just wanted out... Casey informed us of an easier way to get out if we went with them and we agreed.
We walked down the shaft and then they stopped, Casey was concerned and informed us that the 2nd entrance was caved in. I couldn't stand it anymore, I made my decision to bail. We all went back to the fork and I made my way to the entrance. When you think there is something terrible behind, it is super easy to army crawl back through the tight space. I made it out, and a few other girls followed me. 
Outside of the mine we were talking with Trevor and I told them that my parents didn't live too far away and there had been mountain lion problems that winter, and I was freaked out by thinking a mountain lion was in there.
The rest of the group had decided to stay in the mine and still explore, when they finally came out we could hear the growling following them, it was getting louder. One guy mentioned he wished we'd have stayed in there since it was really cool. They all got out and we started to leave, and the growling got louder. I don't know what my problem was but I was terrified, almost hyperventilating. Crystal couldn't believe me, and told me to calm down, then the growling was so loud, it had to be out of the mine, us girls screamed, and then we were running back to the car. I fell into the fence we were suppose to crawl through, regained my footing and made it to the car. I didn't care about anything else, but got myself in and locked my door. I was so scared that I was almost in tears and close to wetting myself! Many were still outside, I guess the other car was locked and the driver had lost his keys. Someone saw the trees moving and the growling was close to us, everyone started getting in our car, even so much as crawling in the trunk. Then we saw something coming out of the trees... it was a guy... apparently Josh, the other roommate who was suppose to be in Salt Lake! I love that Brianna got out of the car, ran and tackled him and poked his forehead saying 'name 10 candy bars'! And he had a bear call... a 5 gallon bucket with a hole in the bottom where you pull a wet rope through to make the growling.
The whole thing was a joke they'd been planning for almost a month.
Josh had been hiding in Casey's trunk for almost 30 minutes before any of us showed up. Casey's bad driving was because Josh was in the trunk. Casey took us the wrong way so that Josh could get out of the trunk and up into the mine before us. Casey took all that just so the prank would be a good one. Even though I was way mad at these guys, I didn't even know them, they almost had me in tears, and I almost wet my pants... they did such a good job! This was one of the best pranks I've been able to witness! And it was on the eve of April fools! 
In the end we did go back into the mine and explored because it was cool. We even turned off the lights, sat in the dark, and told a scary story about the gold rush, The Blue Mist. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ward Prayer Snorts

Two days ago on Sunday...
Crystal and I decided we should invite people over for Dinner. We invited our besties Brianna and Ashley, as well as Apartment 25, Travis, Steven, and Chase, along with Josh who lives over in Spectrum.
Saturday night Steven took us to the store for groceries... he took us because he doesn't trust us after we gave him the "Chip Depot" chips. That was a fun adventure because apparently Steven doesn't like to go shopping, I had a headache, and Crystal was starving, makes for a very eventful trip to Walmart. Then after the store we came back to our place, Steven baked us a pizza, we did our nails and then proceeded to fall asleep while Steven watched Never Been Kissed... He claims he tried to fall asleep but he couldn't... I think he really likes the movie but doesn't want to admit it. LOL
On Sunday Chase came over and helped us with dinner, we made Sawdust Chicken with mashed potatoes. Brianna and Ashley brought a salad and the boys were in charge of dessert, Skookies which I helped Steven make.
It was a great evening full of chatting, goofing off, and lots of laughter. I don't remember what started the laughter but I was in a giggling mood. It soon became time to go to Ward Prayer so Steven got his car and we all went up. Bishop was in charge that evening and decided that the get to know you game was going to be telling our embarrassing moments... alright, that sounds like fun. Well since I was already in a giggling mood this didn't help the situation, some peoples embarrassing moments were super funny and I just kept laughing. After everyone was done Bishop stood up to give the spiritual thought. 
You know when you are laughing but are trying to be quite... it doesn't work too well, I was shaking I was laughing so hard. Then Steven sitting next to me thought to himself that if he laughed at me I would laugh even harder. I couldn't keep quiet anymore, I didn't even know what Bishop was talking about and I just bust up. He looked at me all funny and didn't know what to do. I just shook him off, said I didn't know why I was laughing, and tried to quiet myself. It worked for a minute and Bishop finished hims thought, it got real quiet and I couldn't help it anymore... I snorted! nice and loud. It was awful, and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. Brother Allen was saying the prayer and I was able to stay pretty quiet with only Crystal and Steven hearing my muffled laughter. After the prayer was over I couldn't help it any more and I just laughed so hard. I was crying, and my new mascara, which wasn't waterproof! and all over my face. I continued to laugh all night, over nothing. It was a good 2-3 hours. Travis at one point got out his iPhone and videoed me. None of them had seen me in that stated before.
But the good thing about laughter is that you get a good ab workout and it wears you out, I slept so good that night that I woke up late and barely made it to work on time before my 10am clients showed up.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Beautiful Sabbath Day

The Sabbath Day... 
doesn't the sound of that just make you want to treat this day a little bit different from the rest of week? 
That's certainly how I feel, but I was raised that way.
Because of my wonderful parents I would never think of going anywhere else but to church on Sunday morning.
It just seems an odd day to me if I miss one of my meetings.

Today in church was a really great day, and I was touched by the Spirit.
All month long our Sacrament Meetings have had the same theme (4 weeks, 2-3 speakers each week) and somehow everyone has taught me something different. How is that possible you might ask... its through Heavenly Father and his love for us. He knew we needed to hear those messages, and he knew through the same topic the messages would get taught.
The topic was Establishing Righteous Patterns.
From the talks today I picked up some key messages meant just for me, 
1: Strive to be better. Find motivation, something that will always keep you moving forward in faith, and coming closer to God! Moroni 10:32-33 ...come unto Christ, and be perfected in him...
Something that is a motivation to me is my family and the eternity that I want to spend with them. To me nothing could be better, but to make that happen I have to have my life in order... I have to be working towards that goal at all times, not letting my guard down for a minute. If I do I know the adversary will be there waiting to drag me down.
2: Keep the Commandments! This is just as much key as the first point. It seems a simple thing, but it can be so hard. We all know the 10 commandments, the ones that were written on stone. Although in this day and age we need to make rules for ourselves that we treasure and follow just like those commandments. When we make those rules we have to follow through on them. What is the point of making them to just dismiss them later, to justify them... why did you make them in the first place then? 

In Sunday School we covered 1 Nephi 16 paralleled with Alma 37. This was about the Liahona, what it was for and how it worked. We may not have the Liahona today, but we do receive guidance and it works just the same, based on our Faith and Diligence in Christ.

Combined Relief Society and Elders Quorum was awesome! We had Brother Barrett speak to us. He is from Bishop Parkers ward, and he is an institute teacher. He talked to us about the Book of Mormon. About reading it and thinking about it and then over time it will be in our hearts. Everyday in this world we are beaten down and our hearts are hardened a little bit, but if we continue to read, even if we don't think it does any good, it does. It softens our heart it teaches us of truth, and gives us an eternal perspective. There are promises on every page and all you have to do is read and find them. It is A Marvelous Work and A Wonder, it is The Word of God, and if we take it in everyday we can deflect the fiery darts of the adversary, we will be able to withstand the temptations, we will learn of divine timing, we will be more patient, and we will be ready for what the Lord has in store for us.


I hope you can take something from this message. Know that I know it is all true in my heart. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Juices/fresh fruit smoothies!

New Favorite!!
As of  late I love juicing fruit... like oranges... Fresh squeezed orange juice is the best. 
Also my Magic Bullet is great for making smoothies... Like Strawberries, Blueberries, and Kiwi (mixed with a little sugar, water, and a couple ice cubes).
Or tonight I had Strawberries, Blackberries, Kiwi, raspberry lemonade drink, and a couple ice cubes.
I'm gonna try and add milk, yogurt, maybe green smoothies... who knows what'll happen.
Smoothies and fresh juices are so great!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cleanse Day 4

I told you yesterday that I had changed the length of my cleanse... Well Monday I drank 6 glasses of the lemonade mixture... Tuesday 7 glasses... Wednesday 6 glasses... and today 5 glasses. Then I ran out of my 2nd bottle of maple syrup... it was $10 for a bottle which lasted 2 days... so if I bought another one I wouldn't feel good about only using 1/2 of it so my choice was to extend my cleanse by a day or cut it short by a day. Well my checkbook decided for me that I was going to cut it short. But its ok because I do feel better, less bloated, and I feel I will get somewhere now with my workouts.
Tonight when I got home from work and institute I juiced some oranges and drank a glass for the last hour. I think the mistake most people make after completing a cleanse or detox is going back to their regular eating and exercising habits. I'm not saying I'm going to be perfect but I hope to be better. I hope to keep on my workout schedule. I also hope to eat better. More homemade food, more little snacks throughout the day, littler portions, and not so much fast food. I think the stuff is delicious so I will still eat it, but not as frequently.
Hopefully this can help any of you trying to do this. You can do it! I believe in you!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 2 and 3 of the cleanse

Yesterday was Day 2 and today was Day 3.
Yesterday was a bad day... I was so hungry, I felt awful! 
I figured the only way to get through this was just thinking day by day. You can't think... I have 4 days left! you won't make it. You just have to have the mindset of finishing the day you are on. So that's what kept me going yesterday... I can make it till I go to bed... Then this morning I was like... 2 days down! Yay Me!
Today hasn't been so bad. Not as hungry, and in a few hours I'll be done with 3 days.
Last night I had to buy more lemons and another bottle of maple syrup and I decided that was it... my wallet can't take me buying anymore, so I'll finish what I have and then drink fresh squeezed orange juice the rest of Friday night, and Saturday morning. Then my healthy eating starts... its hard to make a Lifestyle change, and I don't agree with Diets as they usually cuts foods out of your life... I don't like that idea. My plan is to eat healthier, not eat fast food as much (very rarely) eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and to not eat as much processed foods, they aren't good for you.
I'll still go workout 2-3 times a week, and do some Pilates a couple times a week.
So happy to be making this jump start to the new year! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

5 Day Cleanse/Detox

Whenever you hear Cleanse or Detox all people seem to think about is losing weight... Well that is always a positive outcome of this, but its not the biggest reason to do them.
A cleanse or detox is good to refresh your body, its a good jump start for a new you.
I'm doing The Master Cleanse, The Lemonade Diet, The Cayenne Pepper diet... it has numerous names, but they are all the same. Its sounds to be super disguising... but its actually not that bad. You would think only drinking water and this 'lemonade' you would be super hungry, but yesterday was Day1 and I felt fine... This morning I feel fine as well!
Here is to a new year and a new me!