Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yellowstone & West Yellowstone for Labor Day Weekend!

So back in July Arek and Tami informed me that they were going to Yellowstone over Labor Day weekend to visit our friend Brynn. I met Brynn last summer when I was living in Kaysville at Uncle Tom and Aunt Sirena's house. Brynn was a good friend of Tami's through high school and we became good friends hanging out together. Well she went up to West Yellowstone to work for the summer at a hotel and bakery.
In August Arek called to let me know about when we'd leave and the cost and what not, well it was going to be more than I wanted to spend and Arek decided that they still wanted me to come and since they were planning on going themselves anyway they told me to still come with them. They were so sweet. So we left Friday night and stayed at Arek's uncles house in Idaho Falls had breakfast with his aunt in the morning and then headed out. We made it to West Yellowstone and saw Brynn! It was so great, she had to work that day, but we hung with her for a bit, at lunch at the bakery, then headed into the park to see some sites. Here are some sites we saw... 

When we got back Saturday night Brynn took us out to dinner to a pizza joint called The Gusher. Sunday we went to Sacrament meeting and then Brynn had the day off and wanted to drive us around both West Yellowstone and the park. Here are some more pics...

Monday we packed up and walked around town... I actually ran into Forrest Haderlie... a guy I grew up with and hadn't seen for 10 years. I wouldn't have even recognized him other than I saw his picture on facebook when he got engaged.
This was such a fun road trip, I love spending time with Arek and Tami they are so great. Now they are parents and have the cutest little girl Julie who I so need to go see. Anyway it was so good to get away.

I'm bad at updating....

I'm bad at updating so these next few post are going to be old... I just haven't posted them yet but need to so they are coming now :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

New Ward and a New Calling

So at the end of August they redid the 'Student/Singles' ward in Cache Valley. They decided to do this as so many people ward hop and they were falling through the cracks, getting lost, and they figured by doing this we could reactivate more people and find those lost sheep. They diminished all the 'Student' wards and made new wards and you now have to go to the ward you are in the boundaries for, according to where you live. I am now in the Logan Utah, YSA 10th ward, and in the 2nd stake, or the 'Aztec Building' as it is so named.
So far its been an awesome ward. It has enough familiar faces that I feel at home, and its got some new faces as well that I feel like I'm meeting new people all the time. I'm way excited for the new people I get to meet, the new friends I'll make, and the new adventures I'll have.
At one point my records were missing... yes they disappeared. I had been on the roll for Relief Society, but then one week I wasn't. I didn't really think to much of it, thinking it would show back up the next week. Then I started getting texts and emails from the 17th ward. The break off of the 10th ward...our ward was too big and they sent everyone from the North Logan Green Canyon Home Stake to the 17th ward...somehow my records got put in that pile even though my parent for sure live in the North Logan Stake. When this was figured out Isaac joked that yes they sent my records away, that the 10th ward wanted me but the 17th ward asked so nicely to have me that they gave up my records. In the end I just filled out a new pink sheet and they should be back now.
Anyway I got a new calling in my ward...even with my records being missing at the time, LOL. Brother Hyer asked to see me, and I figured a calling would be coming as he would talk to me just about getting my records back. I was extended the calling of FHE Group Leader... aka FHE Mom, and made my mother a grandma by just saying yes to this :) haha I beat Andy and Leza! I'm actually way excited for this, well once I get a husband...as of right now I'm a single mom and that's not going to be so fun.
Here's to some more new adventures with Church!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Proposal!

So most of you have heard that I got a boy for my birthday... well he did propose, and I did accept, but it was all a joke, sorry guys I'm not really engaged. I'm not the one to just randomly get engaged, ideally I want to date for awhile then talk about it. Anyway, it is a funny story so I will tell it to you.
As Sunday was my birthday, we had family/birthday dinner for me with cake and ice cream included. Afterward Julie, Lindsay, and I went to ward prayer. There we ran into John and Kira, where we went through a round of me and John giving each other Happy Birthday's. We enjoyed ward prayer, socialized for a min or two and then made our way to Clint's apartment for games, or so I thought it was just games...
We got to Clint's and talked while we waited for some to show up, during this time Lindsay, Julie and Clint brought out two birthday cakes! Yes they had made one for both me and John, such great friends we have! The candles were arranged and lit and everyone sang again and we blew out the candles, and sadly it worked... apparently they had got trick candles, which only one worked, John tried to blow it out twice and it didn't work and when I tried it went right out.
All of us then enjoyed our cake, it was pretty good! Then the fun began. 
Someone suggested that since it was both of our birthdays that we should feed each other cake... yes like at a wedding reception. John and I looked at each other and decided sure, why not. Although John mentioned that he didn't have a ring to give me. I said it was ok, that if he wanted we could just use my CTR ring and switch the finger it was on. He said that was ok, he'd get a better one. Oh alright. We got our pieces of cake and proceeded to shove it in each others faces, up the nose, all over the face, and crumbled down the shirt. The only bad thing with this was that I still had my cough, which meant that my throat and nose was all congested. First thing John did was clog my nose with cake and icing, so I couldn't breath out of my nose, and I started to laugh. Then with smearing the cake all over it crumbled, so with me laughing I started inhaling cake crumbs, this wasn't good and once again I was choking. Dang it all. We made a pretty good mess, and it was a ton of fun. Clint then came after me with the vacuum, well he turned it on by me, but my eyes were shut and I didn't know what he was doing and scared me pretty good. Julie and Lindsay then carried me out into the hall so most of the mess got out there. After we got cleaned up it was time for games, and we played werewolf for a bit, then signs, a lot of fun.
Well before we were done I looked over at John and he had a ring box in his hands! I mentioned to him that he wasn't kidding about having a better ring, but he brushed it off. I as always I'm oblivious to most things going on around me and didn't give the ring box a second thought. We were still playing signs for a bit, but then it was getting late and most people decided to start leaving, but before they could go...
All of the sudden John was on one knee in front of me and grabbed my hand. I didn't know what to think and started laughing. John was saying something, I don't even remember half of what he said because I was laughing, then I couldn't breath, and then I was crying. I did hear people ask if someone had a camera, then once they got one John had to start over. He took the ring out of the box, and said now I am told this is real... I answered by saying... you're told, you don't know?... John...well I'm not a diamond expert. Anyway he grabbed my hand and asked if I'd marry him (well I think that's what he asked, I was still laughing/not breathing/crying) and then he was informed he had the wrong hand, then he switched and tried the left ring finger and it didn't fit! He looked at me and said...It doesn't fit! let's try the other finger and put the ring on my left pinky finger, there we go! I looked at him, then at the ring, then back at him and said, I guess I have to say yes! Then we hugged! Of course our friends couldn't leave it at that...the kiss chant started! Of course after what happened this summer I did freak for a minute, I know John well enough that I didn't think he would actually kiss me, but I sure did wonder. Well John is such a gentleman that he grabbed my face and kissed my forehead! 
Thanks guys I couldn't ask for a better birthday!