Sunday, January 3, 2010

Life In Limbo... not good!

Why does it always seem like I screwed up my life? I try my best to follow the Spirit and I take 5 steps forward and then trials come up and it seems as if I've take 10 steps backwards. Leaving me farther in the dust than from where I came.

Where is this coming from you ask? Well I have a lot on my mind. Mostly concerning my new job, and somewhat the state of my finances. Back in August I got caught up in a scam that left me in the hole about $6,000, plus him getting money that was my own. On top of that I didn't have a job all summer so I was quite devastated and didn't know what was going to happen. I knew where I wanted to work and had an interview set up for Oct. in Vegas with the Steiner Company who hires for cruise line spas. Mid Oct. through email I found out that I was hired and was going to be training in Hawaii. Well in the middle of Nov. I got another email with a packet of information that I needed to fill out, then scan and email back. Did that and now I have just been waiting.

I understand that large companies move slowly, but this is ridiculous! I have currently got rid of my car, since I won't need it, and am still living at my parent, not only to save money, but because I hardly have any money to my name. As much as I love my parents and my family I've lived on my own a couple of times and have my own way of doing things, we get on each others nerves. and now with getting rid of my car I've had to revert to asking permission to borrow one of their cars.

I thank everyone for their support and patience with me. I just wish I could learn what Heavenly Father wants/wishes me to learn so that I can get on with this. What does He have in store for me?

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years 2010!!!

Its now the year 2010, nothing has changed other than a ton of new goals/resolutions to work on and more than half of them will get broken.
Its proven that when you have somewhere to report your progress see your results, see what you've done, and where you need to go to finish/follow through, you will more than likely finish your goals. So that is what my blog is going to help me with... following through with my New Years Resolutions. I'll write down my goals and report how I'm doing. I'll do that in the next few days.
Today I'm just going to talk about last night.
I'm usually not a fan of YSA (young single adult) activities, most of the people that show up are people that I have known forever. And thats how it started out. I had no other plans and Veronica wanted to go so I decided I would go with her, and her friend Kristy came up from Orem to hang as well.
We got to the institute and wandered around seeing what all was happening. There were games going on, a movie playing, food, and dancing. Dancing was what we decided as there were a few cute guys. So we started just dancing and Veronica's friend Jeremiah was there and started dancing with us. And he brought his two brothers and a couple friends, who danced with us the rest of the night and celebrated the new year with us :) it was a ton of fun.
Then they decided to invite us over to their apartment for a movie so we said yesand went over and watched National Security and ddn't get home till 3am. It was so much fun! Then we decided to have a sleep over and pulled out the matresses and all crashed on the living room floor.
So here's to bringing in the New Year with old and new friends, family, and looking forward to a new year and all the wonderful things to come!!!
WELCOME 2010!!!