Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Position!

So if you didn't know already...
I work at Cookie Cutters Salon. Its a hair salon for kids. They come in and pick out a movie or PlayStation game that they can watch/play while we do their hair. This works surprisingly well for 'distracting' them and helps them hold still for the most part (expect for those who are use to the Wii. LOL). They also get to sit in a car or airplane (little carnival ride 'toys') which also makes the experience more exciting to them.
Even though this helps a lot we still have screamers who just don't enjoy getting their hair cut, but its not as often like when I have been at other salons.
Anyway, our Assistant Manager and her husband have decided to take the opportunity to move down south where they will house sit her sisters house while they are out of the country. This made that management position open and Brenda (owner) opened it up to the stylists here. I let her know that I would be interested in that, and a week later she called me up to let me know that if I still wanted the position it was mine to have. I of course accepted. I'm so grateful for this because it guarantees my hours, and I should be getting a raise... if not I will mention to her that I feel for the extra responsibility I should get one. But just having the guaranteed hours is a great blessing in my life right now.
I love doing hair and it will always be more than just a job to me, its a hobby. I love the way it makes people feel after giving them a new look, or even just shaping up their old one. And here at this salon the little kids love getting it done as well.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another Epic Weekend Ahead!

So not a whole lot has happened since the Cedar/Zions Fall Break trip. Just the occasional Scatterball night, or random late night movie at Nate's. Jared, my cousin, did end up coming up to hang with us at the Haunted Labs up on campus which was lame, but he did meet Julie again and they have really hit it off, so we'll see how that goes. Found out Nate thought I was trying to 'get away' from them cuddling when I used his shoulder as a pillow... wasn't trying to get away I was honestly sleeping and slept through most of The Dark Knight. 
Then last weekend we saw Megamind! It was the best movie I have yet to see in 3D! it was totally rad. Then we went back to Nate's and put in The Illusionist where I fell asleep on Brazilian Matt. Then the next night was way random and we ended up at Nate's again only Nate wasn't there and we hung out with Matt, and then the other Matt Baker came home and we put in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and I again fell asleep on Brazilian Matt. Oh my, maybe I shouldn't watch movies over there anymore... haha yeah right.
This weekend we are headed to Boise and McCall Idaho for what they call... The Polar Bear Strut. The boys are going to go do the Hokie Pokie in a freezing cold lake at the boy scout camp where they all use to work at. Lindsay and I  #1 don't want to join in since we've both been so sick recently, and #2 aren't allowed to get in by orders of Nate. But we will then go to an indoor hot tub and pool while they warm up and chill for awhile there. Its going to be another epic adventure in my book. I'll be sure to post pics after we get back!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cedar City and Zions/Birch Hollow

My friend Ashley had been begging me to come down and visit her in Cedar City for month, but life is so crazy I couldn't just stop and head down there, but fall break was coming up and I decided I would just go then. The girls decided it'd be fun and we'd all go together. Plus Julie had a friend down there she wanted to see as well. It was planned and we left Friday morning. Julie had just got off her grave shift so we put her in the back of her own car and told her to sleep. We stopped in Provo for some lunch at In-N-Out, as usual the place was super packed. We then continued south with Julie in the back sleeping again, since she apparently didn't really sleep earlier. We made to Cedar and went over to Ashley's where we unloaded the car and decided what we were going to do for the evening. The plan was to go bowling where Julie's friend Julie met up with us, and we had a great game of Skittle bowling...

After bowling we decided to run to Walmart to grab some supplies/food for the next day, and we called Nate to figure out where we were meeting up. Nate had mentioned a month earlier that they were going on a man trip to Zions and we should meet up with them, at first we blew it off since it was a man trip and we didn't know what we would be doing. But he asked again the week before to meet up with them to go rappelling. So since we hadn't made any set plans we decided it would be fun. We would meet them at 8AM before the gate to the park and then we would travel to Birch Hollow to do a 5 hour hike/rappel. 
We then grabbed dinner and went back to Ashley's where we ate, and talked, and watched So I Married An Axe Murderer. Then realized it was close to 12 and we needed to be up by 5AM to leave and meet up with the guys. 5AM came way too soon, but we got up and we on our way by 7AM. We were determined not to keep the guys waiting thinking they were probably thinking we would be late. Instead, they didn't get there until 8:15... they were late. So they found us, we decided we couldn't all cram into one car and we would have to pay to get into the park, so we did then stopped at the visitors center so the guys could change...
They didn't have a place to stay so they had ended up sleeping in the parking lot of a church. They did sleep on the grass islands but were woke up by the sprinklers at 3AM. Haha. 
We were waiting on them, then were getting directions to make sure they knew where they were going. While we were waiting Pono decided to surprise Lindsay and me and showed up. He had been planning on coming on the trip then decided to tell her he couldn't as his family was going to be in town. Her reaction was priceless. So we met everyone, there was Me, Lindsay, Julie, and Ashley for the girls. Then Nate, Cullen, Austin, Matt, Spencer, Pono, A.J., Sebastian, and Mike for the guys. It made for great odds in our favor, lol, and just for a great day! Here are some pics of the hike...

Well it was a fun, and long day. We also only had one terrifying experience where I fell upside down on a 50 foot rappel and gave everyone a heart attack while I hung there laughing wondering what happened to put me there. Since there were so many of us, we figured the 5 hour hike would take longer... we didn't expect it to take 13 hours tho... long day. Then the car was parked 6 miles from where it should have been, and way past the marked that we had been told, we were cold and tired and just ready to be done. We got back to the cars, and decided we would meet in Hurricane for some dinner as we'd pretty much just had trail mix, granola bars, jerky and water all day. So we got ourselves some nice hot pizza from Little Caesar's. That pizza had never tasted so good!
Us girls then went back to Cedar while the guys all went their separate ways. We went to church with Julie and Ashley in the morning and then left to head home. We were almost to Nephi when the gas light came on... luckily we made it to a gas station. We then stopped in Provo to have dinner with Julie's family as they had been freaking out the day before when we never showed up in St. George at her sisters house when we said we would, but the hike took way longer than thought. But dinner and the company was great! 
Headed up from Provo both Lindsay and I got a text from Clint... he had found our cars in Logan and gave us a present when we got back... Deodorant covered my windshield, along with oreos, and saran wrap. Well Pono was up in Logan and him and Spencer were coming over to play games at Clints with us, they saw the cars and decided to help us clean them off. In the process us girls had the same idea to wrap the boys in the saran wrap. It backfired on us and they ended up wrapping up us girls, we then had to walk the block and a half, and up 3 flights of stairs, where Ryan greeted us with a glass of water, and I was smashed against the wall. Now that my friends is a good prank.
So we learned some lessons this weekend... don't trust the guys on distance, we need to go prepared ourselves, not leaving that up to the boy scouts, and us girls can handle each other through think and thin! Love you guys and can't wait for the next adventure!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yellowstone & West Yellowstone for Labor Day Weekend!

So back in July Arek and Tami informed me that they were going to Yellowstone over Labor Day weekend to visit our friend Brynn. I met Brynn last summer when I was living in Kaysville at Uncle Tom and Aunt Sirena's house. Brynn was a good friend of Tami's through high school and we became good friends hanging out together. Well she went up to West Yellowstone to work for the summer at a hotel and bakery.
In August Arek called to let me know about when we'd leave and the cost and what not, well it was going to be more than I wanted to spend and Arek decided that they still wanted me to come and since they were planning on going themselves anyway they told me to still come with them. They were so sweet. So we left Friday night and stayed at Arek's uncles house in Idaho Falls had breakfast with his aunt in the morning and then headed out. We made it to West Yellowstone and saw Brynn! It was so great, she had to work that day, but we hung with her for a bit, at lunch at the bakery, then headed into the park to see some sites. Here are some sites we saw... 

When we got back Saturday night Brynn took us out to dinner to a pizza joint called The Gusher. Sunday we went to Sacrament meeting and then Brynn had the day off and wanted to drive us around both West Yellowstone and the park. Here are some more pics...

Monday we packed up and walked around town... I actually ran into Forrest Haderlie... a guy I grew up with and hadn't seen for 10 years. I wouldn't have even recognized him other than I saw his picture on facebook when he got engaged.
This was such a fun road trip, I love spending time with Arek and Tami they are so great. Now they are parents and have the cutest little girl Julie who I so need to go see. Anyway it was so good to get away.

I'm bad at updating....

I'm bad at updating so these next few post are going to be old... I just haven't posted them yet but need to so they are coming now :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

New Ward and a New Calling

So at the end of August they redid the 'Student/Singles' ward in Cache Valley. They decided to do this as so many people ward hop and they were falling through the cracks, getting lost, and they figured by doing this we could reactivate more people and find those lost sheep. They diminished all the 'Student' wards and made new wards and you now have to go to the ward you are in the boundaries for, according to where you live. I am now in the Logan Utah, YSA 10th ward, and in the 2nd stake, or the 'Aztec Building' as it is so named.
So far its been an awesome ward. It has enough familiar faces that I feel at home, and its got some new faces as well that I feel like I'm meeting new people all the time. I'm way excited for the new people I get to meet, the new friends I'll make, and the new adventures I'll have.
At one point my records were missing... yes they disappeared. I had been on the roll for Relief Society, but then one week I wasn't. I didn't really think to much of it, thinking it would show back up the next week. Then I started getting texts and emails from the 17th ward. The break off of the 10th ward...our ward was too big and they sent everyone from the North Logan Green Canyon Home Stake to the 17th ward...somehow my records got put in that pile even though my parent for sure live in the North Logan Stake. When this was figured out Isaac joked that yes they sent my records away, that the 10th ward wanted me but the 17th ward asked so nicely to have me that they gave up my records. In the end I just filled out a new pink sheet and they should be back now.
Anyway I got a new calling in my ward...even with my records being missing at the time, LOL. Brother Hyer asked to see me, and I figured a calling would be coming as he would talk to me just about getting my records back. I was extended the calling of FHE Group Leader... aka FHE Mom, and made my mother a grandma by just saying yes to this :) haha I beat Andy and Leza! I'm actually way excited for this, well once I get a husband...as of right now I'm a single mom and that's not going to be so fun.
Here's to some more new adventures with Church!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Proposal!

So most of you have heard that I got a boy for my birthday... well he did propose, and I did accept, but it was all a joke, sorry guys I'm not really engaged. I'm not the one to just randomly get engaged, ideally I want to date for awhile then talk about it. Anyway, it is a funny story so I will tell it to you.
As Sunday was my birthday, we had family/birthday dinner for me with cake and ice cream included. Afterward Julie, Lindsay, and I went to ward prayer. There we ran into John and Kira, where we went through a round of me and John giving each other Happy Birthday's. We enjoyed ward prayer, socialized for a min or two and then made our way to Clint's apartment for games, or so I thought it was just games...
We got to Clint's and talked while we waited for some to show up, during this time Lindsay, Julie and Clint brought out two birthday cakes! Yes they had made one for both me and John, such great friends we have! The candles were arranged and lit and everyone sang again and we blew out the candles, and sadly it worked... apparently they had got trick candles, which only one worked, John tried to blow it out twice and it didn't work and when I tried it went right out.
All of us then enjoyed our cake, it was pretty good! Then the fun began. 
Someone suggested that since it was both of our birthdays that we should feed each other cake... yes like at a wedding reception. John and I looked at each other and decided sure, why not. Although John mentioned that he didn't have a ring to give me. I said it was ok, that if he wanted we could just use my CTR ring and switch the finger it was on. He said that was ok, he'd get a better one. Oh alright. We got our pieces of cake and proceeded to shove it in each others faces, up the nose, all over the face, and crumbled down the shirt. The only bad thing with this was that I still had my cough, which meant that my throat and nose was all congested. First thing John did was clog my nose with cake and icing, so I couldn't breath out of my nose, and I started to laugh. Then with smearing the cake all over it crumbled, so with me laughing I started inhaling cake crumbs, this wasn't good and once again I was choking. Dang it all. We made a pretty good mess, and it was a ton of fun. Clint then came after me with the vacuum, well he turned it on by me, but my eyes were shut and I didn't know what he was doing and scared me pretty good. Julie and Lindsay then carried me out into the hall so most of the mess got out there. After we got cleaned up it was time for games, and we played werewolf for a bit, then signs, a lot of fun.
Well before we were done I looked over at John and he had a ring box in his hands! I mentioned to him that he wasn't kidding about having a better ring, but he brushed it off. I as always I'm oblivious to most things going on around me and didn't give the ring box a second thought. We were still playing signs for a bit, but then it was getting late and most people decided to start leaving, but before they could go...
All of the sudden John was on one knee in front of me and grabbed my hand. I didn't know what to think and started laughing. John was saying something, I don't even remember half of what he said because I was laughing, then I couldn't breath, and then I was crying. I did hear people ask if someone had a camera, then once they got one John had to start over. He took the ring out of the box, and said now I am told this is real... I answered by saying... you're told, you don't know?... John...well I'm not a diamond expert. Anyway he grabbed my hand and asked if I'd marry him (well I think that's what he asked, I was still laughing/not breathing/crying) and then he was informed he had the wrong hand, then he switched and tried the left ring finger and it didn't fit! He looked at me and said...It doesn't fit! let's try the other finger and put the ring on my left pinky finger, there we go! I looked at him, then at the ring, then back at him and said, I guess I have to say yes! Then we hugged! Of course our friends couldn't leave it at that...the kiss chant started! Of course after what happened this summer I did freak for a minute, I know John well enough that I didn't think he would actually kiss me, but I sure did wonder. Well John is such a gentleman that he grabbed my face and kissed my forehead! 
Thanks guys I couldn't ask for a better birthday!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weekend of birthdays and partying!

So this last weekend was one big party! Saturday was Travis's, aka Pono, birthday and on Sunday me and John shared our birthday. We decided to party hard all weekend!
Pono wanted to go to the Brad Paisley concert for his birthday so he invited a group of us to go. The group included Brittney, Kristen, Julie, Lindsay, Pono, Nate, and Me. Jewels, Lindsay and I met up with Pono early to go to dinner at Red Robin before the concert. Oh my it was Yum! We found out during this time that Jewels is color blind... lol. At dinner we informed them it was our birthday, but they were apparently too busy and couldn't get anyone to come sing to us, yet when they brought out the mud pie we all sang to each other and our waiter was gracious enough to join in :) We then proceeded to the concert where we waited for the rest of the group to show up. Outside Usana we waited as we had brought Nate and Brittney food and we couldn't take it inside. They showed up and then had a race to finish their food. Sad they couldn't enjoy it because it was great food. When they finished we proceeded to our seats and enjoyed Darius Rucker and Brad Paisley. It was a night full of fun pictures, crazy dancing, and a lot of laughs. Oh and me coughing up a lung.
After the concert we made our way back into Salt Lake where Kristen had cake and ice cream waiting for us to sing another round of Happy Birthday. We enjoyed each others company for awhile then decided that we should head back to Logan. Julie was super tired from working a grave the night before and not getting a lot of sleep that day so I drove her car back, and Nate jumped in with us as Brittney was staying at Kristen's and Nate needed to be back in Layton. 
Saturday consisted of me working all day. Not too bad, I did have to miss the Bridal Fair where my friends were modeling tuxes... yeah my friends are pretty studly. Julie, Lindsay and Pono came and said hi. Then Julie and Lindsay gifted Pono to me for my birthday, haha. But then he left to go back to his birthday party in Provo.
After work us girls gathered at Lindsay's place for dinner and to watch the Relief Society Broadcast. It was fun to unwind after work and just chill. Afterward the plan was to watch Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World at Nate's so we made our way over to his apartment. When we got there Nate wasn't even there but we made ourselves at home. Nate showed up in a bit and then Lindsay had to run out to Julie's car as she "forgot her phone" out there. Well she came back in and had a gift in her arms. Yup the sillies had gotten me a present! They got me Rex from Toy Story! And he makes a funny "roar" or in his case a funny squeak just like I make! LOL. Anyways he made for a good night with Nate taking him and using him to scare me throughout the movie... once even making me choke on the fruit snacks I had in my mouth.
Sunday was great, it consisted of church, and me getting scared and choking on my cough drop right during the sacrament hymn! Oh my, me and my choking, and getting scared. After Church I went home and chilled for the afternoon. I then got a phone call from my favorite cousin, Jared! Then we had dinner, yummy mashed potatoes, gravy, fried chicken, veggies, and biscuits. Also we had cake and ice cream. Such a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So for some reason as of late electronics seem to hate me.
When we switched to quest and had sprint phones I went through 3 phones in about 6 months.
Then quest bundled with Verizon and we switched phones again, I then went through 3-4 phones in a year.
Recently my dad lost his phone and bought a used one off his friend... 1/2 the phone was touch screen and dad didn't like it, so I decided to trade phones with him, and I've loved the phone until this morning. It decided to crack and now I can't read 1/2 the screen. This is not going to work for me. I've been wanting a new phone but don't have the funds, so I was patiently waiting, now it looks like I'm going to have to borrow a phone from Lindsay for the time being. Lucky for me she has her old one just sitting in a drawer at her place.
UGH! Me and electronics just don't mix.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Such A Great Summer!

Here are some more things we did this summer as it turned out to be RAD! 
there was lots of fun to be had!
  • Lots of Fireworks through the month of July
  • Sunday and Thursday Game Night still going on
  • An occasional game of Frisbee up on the Quad
  • July 8th there was the tragic murder of our favorite pig during our Red Neck Murder Mystery Dinner
  • Spent some time with Arek & Tami, they were so sweet to invite me over and make me dinner
  • Dad turned 47! getting close to the big fire in a few years
  • I was made Activity Chairman in the ward
  • Wipeout Wednesdays became a weekly activity for me and we started spending more than 1/2 the week in the water.
  • I was introduced to Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long- Blog
  • My computer crashed...hit my dads car...got in a fight with a friend...Worst day ever!
  • Ben saved everything on my computer and fixed it all for the price of cookies!
  • Bloomington Lake... but you read about that adventure ;)
  • Saw Eclipse with Mom and the girls
  • Went over to the lake in Suls' new truck for a Saturday afternoon
  • Spent another weekend at Bear Lake, well I was there Friday night, and Nate made sure to get me up so I could make it back to Logan for work.
  • Went to Raging Waters in SLC, almost got my 2nd kiss from Gibbs
  • Oh yeah jumped into 1st Dam! COLD!!! plus it was about 10:30PM
  • was going to hike Timp but we got rained out.
  • Did a photo shoot for Bryan & the college
  • Went to the Cache County Rodeo with the Family
  • Watched the meteor shower out in Hyrum
  • spent an hour looking for Landon's key when they were dropped 5 feet from the blanket
  • Hung out with Ryan and Corey at the Cache County fair
  • Got Fair food with Lindsay at the Cache County fair then spent the night looking for Beavers at 1st dam with Lindsay and Bryan
  • Ward Camp Out that was sadly supported.
  • Got a raise at work!
  • Went to the Box Elder County Fair... ate Navajo Tacos, then rode the rides! and got rained out
  • Church wards and stakes got all jumbled, but its going to be a good change! 
Wow that was a lot of stuff, but like I said it was a great summer, and we're not done yet, things still to come... Yellowstone this weekend with Arek & Tami, then Bear Lake on the 18th for the Pirate Party!
Have a good one guys!

Friday, August 6, 2010

24th of July Campout and My first Kiss

Such a great weekend! I'll put that at the beginning so you know you are in for a real treat looking at this post. After having a couple of really bad days, this weekend surely was a good one to have. So dive in and enjoy!
Nate was so great to put this video together, and spice it up for me. I decided to post this way since it makes it a lot funnier to watch and hear every one's input.

The video wouldn't load so here is the link to it on Facebook :)
The camping trip was such a good one. Here is the link to another video Nate put together to show you the highlights of all the fun that was had.

The trip included playing at Bear Lake Friday afternoon, dutch oven dinner made by Ryan Friday night. We slept under the stars on Clint's grandparents lawn. Got up Saturday morning and had breakfast which a lot of people helped prepare. Then drove up to Bloomington Lake for a fun rope swing adventure, during which everyone lived! Then back into Bear Lake for shakes...Mine was bought for me by Ben since he offered one to me for swinging on the rope :) Then most came back into Logan while the few who still had time to play went to the beach and chilled for a bit. Back into Logan to clean up, go to fireworks at Willow Park, then we slept through Cool Runnings at Nate's.
Such a great weekend... can't wait for more to come!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Live Like Everyday is Your Last

Life can take some interesting turns. As of late I have been hanging out with numerous people, some guys from my ward, a group that Clint introduced us to, and of course Lindsay, Emily, and Taila. Some things that we have done...
1: Hiked the Crimson trail on Memorial Day with a group of Clint's friends, went to Texas Road House for Ben's Birthday, and had a campfire up Green Canyon.
2: Went on a hike with Sean... ended up inviting Roger and Trevor to some hot springs with us in Ogden canyon... left with Roger and Trevor to go to Denny's and got home around 3AM... think I lost all chances with Sean and I'm ok with that.
3: Sundays we play games at Clint's apt.
4: Thursdays are at Cameron and Ben's playing more games.
5: Wednesday are usually filled by Country Dancing at the Fun Park
6: Monday June 14 was fun... it included making a video with Roger, Trevor, Taila, Emily, and Lindsay, where we ran around a park, I fell out of a swing, and we had a flour fight!
7: Movies seen this summer include... Iron Man 2, Midnight showing of Toy Story 3 3D, and A-Team, and will be seeing Eclipse with my mom and sisters.
8: Spent this last weekend with Trevor and Taila. We went out to dinner, got BoBo drinks, saran wrapped Lindsay's car, broke into Emily and Lindsay's house, Pha'zookies, and a lot of laughing from who knows what we inhaled. Oh and the not-so-redneck Demolition Derby in Preston.
9: Pulling pranks on the guys is always fun, oreo's, saran wrap, notes on cars, etc.

But I think the biggest lesson to learn is jumping into life head on. Taking chances, telling people how you feel, wearing your heart on your sleeve and risking everything. Definitely somethings that I need to work on. Life  passes by so quickly. You think things are good and going in the direction you want and then something happens and everything is flipped upside down. You feel that everything you thought was going right actually wasn't that way at all. You realize that its your fault for not saying, doing, or changing something sooner or at all, you realize that even doing that something may not get you what you want, but if you don't go for those things you will end up sitting on the sidelines and watch your life go by. I don't want to sit on the sidelines anymore, I want to take charge of my life, I want my happy ending. Whatever it may be, I want to be happy in the process of getting there, and end up happy when I reach the end.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Its a Bitter Sweet Ending and New Beginning

After saying goodbye to us for months they have finally been released. We had to say our finally goodbyes after a very teary eyed Sacrament Meeting. Bishop Wilcox, Brother Fletcher, and Brother Rich, who were the first Bishopric after the 29th ward was made just over 3 years ago . They get to return to their families now, which is a happy thing for them, its where they need to be. 
They have touched numerous lives in this ward, and it showed by the number in attendance. Not only had we combined with our other half for the summer (the 65th ward that was made from a split from us a year ago) but numerous couple who were in the ward before getting married. Last week the email went out that the release was happening, friends told friends, and anyone who was touched by this Bishopric tried to be there.
The bitter sweet part... I know our new Bishopric. 
As I drove up to church I recognized a white mustang with blue racing stripes... Larry Johnson, well that'd be cool I thought. As I go into the chapel I'm looking for Lindsay to sit by, but I don't see here, then I find Clint. Well I might as well go sit by him as Lindsay would be around somewhere. I sit down and get a tap on my shoulder and Leah Lucherini is sitting behind me... along with the whole Lucherini family. Well I think to myself that that would be cool, totally forgetting about Larry Johnson. The meeting goes on and after the Sacrament they release Bishop Wilcox, Brother Fletcher, and Brother Rich. Then they announce/sustain the new Bishopric. Bishop Monte Lucherini, 1st Counselor Larry Johnson, and 2nd Counselor Kirk Jardine who I guess is also from North Logan. So as sad as it is to let the old go, its good to know the new and good to have them here for this new beginning. In my heart it was a tender mercy from the Lord knowing that I will still feel at home with them in the Bishopric, as that is what this ward has always felt like to me, a home.
Best of luck to both leaving and entering, the Lord is with all of you.

Monday, May 10, 2010


So I've been really awful at blogging lately... SORRY. but oh well, it happens. I figured this was worth blogging about tho :)

My good friend Lindsay recently started dating a guy, Clint, and he has introduced us to a lot of new people. Now I have a social life and I'm having a ton of fun! Anyways back to my story...
Friday afternoon I got a text from Taila asking if I wanted to go see Iron Man with a group of people. So I thought about it then decided yeah, I'd go. We decided to meet at Clints at 715 and then we were going to dinner and the movie at 10. I met the group that was going, Clint, Josh, Cullen, Sean, Taila, Julia, and me, Brandon and his date were going to show up for the movie later. This was the first time I had met both Sean and Julia.
I jump in the car with Cullen, Taila, Sean and Julia. Sean sat between me and Julia and was so hilarious! He kept flirting up a storm, so cute. I definitely want to get to know this guy.
Dinner was at Smokin' Blues, a new BBQ joint in Providence, that has a nice rootbeer bar. With the rootbeer bar they brought out a list of their sodas that they carry in the bottles which they bring out with a frosted mason glass. Dinner was great, talking/flirting with Sean, just fun all over! 
After dinner while waiting for the checks and boxes I was talking to Clint and Taila said something about us playing spin the bottle with the empty glass bottles. Well I was talking to Clint and not paying to much attention, the next thing I know is that I hear my name and Sean has grabbed my face! My heart has jumped to my throat and I'm not sure what to do, but Sean had put his thumbs over my lips so we didn't actually kiss. So then we made a big show about it for the camera, and I couldn't stop laughing. Then Clint started egging Josh and Taila to do the same thing. 
At the movie we sat by each other and flirted some more, then he got our numbers later since we'll all be here in Logan during the summer, so we'll just have to see what happens. 
Oh yeah and Iron Man was pretty sweet as well!
The cool thing is now having an insider. Lindsay, even though she is in Kansas right now, talked to Clint and found something out. Sean talked to Clint about Friday and said he had a lot of fun and thought about really kissing me! Oh my how fun!
This summer is going to ROCK!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

DAY 4 road trip with MOM!

Woke up in Seatte this morning, and lucky for us they are in a drought! No rain for oh... a couple days! Yeah, anyways that makes it a nice sunny day outside with a slight breeze.
Started the day with a very cute guy helping us out at the front desk. We were trying to figure out the car situation and getting downtown. They were very helpful and let us keep the car there all day while we took the Light Rail uptown, for a minute we were really confused, not knowing where stuff was and what ticket to buy. But finally a security guy came over and helped us out. We bought a ticket round trip to the West Lake station and back, and then from there we would take the Monorail to the Space Needle, plus we could get off and on the Light Rail as needed. While looking at our maps we decided it was best to get off at the Pioneer Square Station first.
Making our first stop, Seattle's Underground tour, where we learned about the Seattle fire, and some of the scandelous life that Seattle had to offer. It was so interesting, to learn about the history of Seattle, how the city got started, the corupt government they had, and then the fire that burned the city down, which was the best thing that could have happened. But it made life interesting for a while until they decided what to with the street and "1st story" levels of the stores, as they were really more like basements. Our tour guide was amazing, and luckily we got away from the little kids that were there, but not being conrolled by their parents.
From there we found the Elliott Bay Cafe (EBC) made famous by the TV show Frasier. Not as cool as we expected... Plus not really hungry so we went to find the Light Rail again. We were walking up the street this older guy starts talking to us and following us up the street telling us about himself... both mom and I realize that all he really wants from us is money so we just keep walking trying to ignore him and he finally just flat out asks and we say no. Anyways we found the station and got back on, although we were at the wrong station! we would be heading back to Tacoma! I realize this and we hurry off the train before we get stuck.
We then ask for directions and get headed in the right direction.
We get more into town and window shop for a bit. Its so cool being a big city where everyone is walking around and enjoying the outdoors and nice weather. We then walk down to the Public Market where there is so much stuff, it reminded me of the markets I saw down in Mexico last year... we don't have those in Utah and its kinda sad. We walk out to the bay and got some good shots of the water.
Back up the street we go, headed to the Monorail to go to the Space Needle, on our way up we watch a guy drop some fries out of his hand onto the road, he then proceeds to bend over, pick them up, I'm thinking... wow people don't do that anymore, pick up their garbage I mean, well I thought he was going to throw the fries away... I was wrong, he puts them in his mouth!! Gross. Well we make it to the Monorail, and up to the Space Needle. We didn't pay to go up to the top as am sure it is a great view, just didn't feel the need. Plus I plan to go back one day so I plan to do that next time.
This next adventure wasn't planned that well. We didn't want a 12-14 hour drive on Friday so we decided to book a room in Pendleton, but didn't realize how long it would take in Seattle. Well we finally got back to the hotel around 9. Luckily we were already all packed in the car so we just needed to head out, and grab some food. We stopped by the Seattle Temple on the way and got some nice night shots, but due to the lack of light in the night sky didn't get to see the cool bridge that apparently gets you there, again will see that my next trip. During this drive I'm sure we missed some gorgeous sights, and it seemed to take way longer than we thought, we didn't get to the hotel till 2 AM! and when we got to our room, it only had one bed! I had double checked, and there were suppose to be two, especially for that price, we should have just stayed in Seattle!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DAY 3 road trip with Mom!

Again we woke up Portland OR today. But the destination was Seattle WA.

First we stopped at Trader Joe’s to stock up on plantain chips, a new favorite snack, a bottle of Pomegranate juice, and Organic milk chocolate J. Aunt T said to stop at Finnegan’s Toy store, so we did and found the coolest thing for Tanner, I can’t wait till he sees it.

On the way out of town we crossed the Columbia River! Oh I love bridges, they are so cool, fun to photograph, fun to look at, walk over, drive over, anything, they are just amazing! So after crossing the bridge we went off the freeway to find a great place to take some pictures. And found exactly where I was looking for. It was great.

Driving down the road. Wondering what to do when we got to Seattle, and then we were in Olympia! Washington’s Capitol and we could see the Capitol Building… another detour. Since that’s what this whole trip is about, no real plans, ideas things we want to do, but do what we want, when we want, and plans change. So we went up to the capitol building and took pictures, and a little walk, stretching our legs.

Getting to Seattle we found the hotel and looked into finding a pub to eat at. With it being St. Patrick’s Day, and being part Irish, with red hair and everything we felt it appropriate to eat at an Irish pub. We found The Bull Pen, just up the road from the hotel so we decided to walk. Mom didn’t listen very well and we walked .9 miles to the pub. But it was good, because then we had to walk back as well. This is good, getting exercise since we are sitting in Ellie so much. Now we are just chilling at the hotel, worn out from all the stuff we’ve done, and so much driving! It’s very tiring.

Tomorrow we are going to spend most of the day here in Seattle going on the underground tour, seeing Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, and going to Anthropologie. Then spending the night in Pendleton and going on a tour in Pendleton Friday morning before heading home.

Make sure you're making waves behind you from all your adventures!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

DAY 2 on the Road Trip

Woke up in Portland OR this morning! So fun, I love vacations, especially when there are no set plans, just flying by the seat of our pants here.

On the agenda today was The Dalles, Multnomah Falls, Trader Joe’s, and the Temple.

Got up and went to Trader Joe’s. OMG Aunt T has us hooked, great atmosphere, fun stuff, and so simple, no bells and whistles there. Very green lifestyle here in Oregon, I could totally move here in a heartbeat.

Next we went to the Portland Temple. Have you ever seen it? I thought it was just white, but its marble, and so unique! Driving down the freeway you can barely see it off to the side, and then its there and then its gone. You get off the freeway and head over and you can’t see it tell you are right there. It’s surrounded by trees and trees and trees, such beautiful lands. Although it is cold with the wind blowing, but so worth walking around the grounds.

Off to The Dalles. We were hoping to take a tour of the lock and dam, but they didn’t do tours anymore. Sad day, but they had an old Gothic/Catholic church that we went to. So amazing! Its so cool to see this religion after being at our temple. Such a different feeling. Not being able to go in the Portland Temple to going here and walking right in and snapping picture after picture. Seeing the baptismal font… which is just a sculpture with a bowl inside with ‘Holy Water’. Interesting!

Multnomah Falls! OMG! So beautiful! So worth the trip up here! But oh so cold! Got some great pictures. Then mad at the sign… it lies. It said it was .2 miles to the bridge, and 1 mile to the top of the falls. Well its actually 1 mile after you get to the bridge so we actually walked 1 ¼ miles to the top of the falls, then you can’t even see the bottom of the falls. But still so pretty, such a gorgeous walk, and view when you get up there.

Back into Portland and back to the temple to get some night shots. Again so gorgeous!

Now for some food. Figured we’d go back to the hotel and find something around there. Well there wasn’t anything close! It was ridiculous trying to find something. And we probably drove for 30 minutes to finally find a Jack-in-the-Box and got dinner. We got to the hotel and ate, then for a nice soak in the hot tub. The falls had chilled us to the bone! All the mist, and that water, the slight wind, it was so cold!! The hot tub was so nice and then to bed, I was worn out. But so much fun.

Hope you're making it fun where ever you are!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Road Trip with MOM!!

So its was off to Pasco again to pick up my TWIC card... which for those who have no idea what that is like I didn't... this is a Security Clearance card that allows me to go in and out of Ports by myself, no escort needed. W made it to the Enrollment Center before it closed so that is now picked up and we are on vacation! Staying in Portland tonight and onto more fun stuff tomorrow, but first we did have some adventures on the road!

Our last trip I forgot to tell you... *and as a side note our family uses the phrase 'Oh dear' a lot!

Driving past Tremonton, UT on I-84 west through the canyon, I notice a deer has jumped onto the road, know deer aren't the brightest of animals, I push the brake to slow down, not wanting to run into the deer, with Ellie, she wouldn't like it. The deer jumps onto I-84 east where a truck is coming, I could see that the truck slowed down and the deer jumped out of his way, but at the last minute the deer jumped back and fur went EVERYWHERE!!! and the deer was down! Oh wait, it jumped up and bounded off the road! I was speechless! but mom wasn't, 'Oh dear' was what she had to say! 'Mom!' So for the past few weeks we have cracked up anytime anyone says OH DEER! because all we think of is that suicidal deer.

Well on this trip there was a hawk in the barpit, (the ditch along side the road) and as we are driving, again down the freeway, this hawk picks up something and flies back toward our road, but he's not gaining altitude! I scream, mom screams, and it wasn't for ice cream, that hawk almost took out my windshield!!! our new saying for the trip in now Oh Hawk!, I don't know what it is with us and suicidal animals, but oh man, leave me and my car, Ellie alone!

Even though it was dark driving along the Columbia River Gorge tonight I could tell it was pretty, so much trees, the rocks/cliffs were amazing! I can’t wait to go back up that way tomorrow to see Multnomah Falls, The Dalles, and just the gorge itself!

Road trips are the best, traveling in general is just amazing, its something that I will always enjoy. Now with my family, soon on a ship by myself, and one day with the love of my life and our family! God has made this beautiful world for us to experience... Go and See for yourself!

Happy Travels everyone!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bigger & Better

Hi, we're playing the game Bigger and Better, do have anything bigger and or better than this paper clip that you would be willing to trade?

This was the activity Thursday night when we grouped together with the IMA group. We split up into groups, making sure all us girls were divided up, I was with Scott and Scott, at least it wasn't hard remembering the names. One of them is actually in my Evidences of the Book of Mormon class taught by Brother Woolstenhulm on Mondays and Wednesdays. It was so fun, we ended up getting a brand new pair of farm work boots! Yeah the tag was still on and everything! Here is what we traded:

paper clip


Shrek 2 party mix cd


Our group didn't win but we thought it was pretty cool. Afterwards we were just mingling, and Scott (the one not in my class) got my number and we're going to go out after Spring Break sometime.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

And The War Is On!

HAHAHA! So, as you read my posts and come to know me... you know I LOVE pulling pranks... and it makes it so much fun when people dish it back.
My girlfriends and I have been tying to come up with a good prank to pull on our friends and I came across a rather good one. Orajel on the toothbrush! Before you know what is going on your whole mouth is numb!! The only problem s getting to their toothbrushes as they are in the upstairs bathroom of their house... we don't go upstairs. So the trick now is going to be getting into their house while they are gone. The trick itself is not getting into the house, but knowing when they are gone as they usually take the bus to school leaving the cars there, this makes it hard to tell if they are actually gone or not.

Anyways, not being able to pull this great prank on them yet made me bored. So after telling my family about it I decided to pull the prank on Morgan and Lexie. A couple days later I ask Lexie about brushing her teeth and the light went DING! "I thought something was weird!" she exclaimed at me. Oh I couldn't stop laughing.

The following day after I get home from a great Aggie Basketball game I'm getting ready for bed talking to the fam. I have a weird habit of running my toothbrush over my teeth before I put toothpaste on it, well it tasted funny, for a minute I thought it just had hairspray residue on it, then my mouth started getting all tingly... LEXIE!! You Dork!!! While she was getting ready that morning she saw the orajel tube and thought it would be funny to put some on my toothbrush! Too bad for her I caught it before I totally brushed my teeth which would have resulted in my mouth going numb for 5 minutes or so.

At least she can handle taking it if she's going to dish it right back... the War is now on... pictures will soon be posted after I get her again! MUAH HAHA!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Airsofting and a blind date!

My really good friend Mandy Walker has decided to go on a Mission, and she goes into the MTC in 7 days! Oh gosh, she is going to be such an amazing missionary! Anyways I wasn't able to make her home ward farewell but we so needed to hang out before she left. After talking she told me to come down the following weekend, and she was talking in her singles ward. So it was decided that I'd go down on Saturday and we could hang for the whole weekend.

I decided to text Mandy on Friday to double check that it was still cool for me to come down. Of course it was, although she forgot and had planned a group date with her sisters. Well I could come down later, or on Sunday no big deal. But no, she was like, you should come down still, we'll find you a date and you can come along! Can I tell you how much I dislike blind dates! I think I've only ever had 1 good blind date...(this one makes it 1 1/2).

So they find me a date. I get to the Walker house Saturday around 3pm and the date is set for 4pm. I'm informed that we are going Airsofting... any of you that don't know... airsoft's are guns that shoot pellets that are a little softer that BB's. Personally not a fan of getting shot at, but hey why not, it'll be interesting to say the least. Their dates all show up and we start loading up on ammo. My date isn't there yet, Dave texts him and he's finishing watching the BYU game :( sad day, he bleeds the wrong blue. We figure out we don't have enough guns so Mandy and I go to Wal-Mart to get another one.

We get back close to 5pm and my date is there, yay, his name as John, he was tall, cute, he gave me a hug, and oh man did he smell good! Bring on the guns, lets get this party started! So we head outside and have a war, girls against guys... Man those pellets hurt! But it was so much fun.

When it got dark and we have just starting shooting anyone, and couldn't see out of the sunglasses anymore we went inside for dinner. BBQ chicken, potatoes, and rolls. YUMMY. Well after dinner we decided to go the Olympic oval for some ice skating... there was a YSA activity going on so it was free. Well my date had already made plans for later that evening as he was just informed of the Airsofting so he had to leave.

We got to the rink and were in line to get skates when we run into my date returning his skates... he gave me a hug... YUM... and said his plans were meeting here with friends and now they were headed to a movie. But we had a good time skating, keeping Dave from crashing as last time he went skating 5 years earlier he fell and shattered his jaw. Then watched Secondhand Lions back at the Walkers with a great slice of pie.

After church on Sunday I'm talking to Jess about guys and our date and I get the greatest story from her...

Apparently they hadn't first set me up with John... My original date Sterling had canceled by texting Jess at noon on Saturday! His excuse... my sister is having her baby sometime around 4-5 so I can't make it... ok but why does he have to be there? Sorry bros... you're not invited to me having kids, you an come see me the next day! Jess was at school so she couldn't find me a date and Mandy was stressing over her talk. Their mom Debbie said to call Dave and have him get me a date, good idea, it was done. One problem with Dave having this assignment... he told John that a group of people were getting together to play Airsoft... he didn't know he was on a date till he showed up at Mandy's house! which then explains why he was texting all night and then had to leave with plans already made!

At least it made a great story, and it wasn't even a bad one, this is definitely on the good list, at least half way.

Friday, February 26, 2010

its been too long!

So sorry for not posting anything in almost 2 months! Time gets away from me sometimes. Anyways so much has happened. To catch up...
First there was Tanners 8th birthday

Can't believe ow big my younge siblings are getting!
Next was New Years

Kristy, Veronica, and I went to the Institute for the YSA dance, and ended up watching a movie at a friends apartment till about 2 AM then having a sleepover at Veronicas.
Next was Lexies 13th birthday.

Oh goodness~ Life doesn't seem to slow down!

Next I spent some time with friends fo their birthdays, Hardware Ranch, Aggie Games, and recently took a road trip to Pasco WA with my mom. Those will be posted soon...They have to have posts by themselves... especially the trip through Oregon.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Life In Limbo... not good!

Why does it always seem like I screwed up my life? I try my best to follow the Spirit and I take 5 steps forward and then trials come up and it seems as if I've take 10 steps backwards. Leaving me farther in the dust than from where I came.

Where is this coming from you ask? Well I have a lot on my mind. Mostly concerning my new job, and somewhat the state of my finances. Back in August I got caught up in a scam that left me in the hole about $6,000, plus him getting money that was my own. On top of that I didn't have a job all summer so I was quite devastated and didn't know what was going to happen. I knew where I wanted to work and had an interview set up for Oct. in Vegas with the Steiner Company who hires for cruise line spas. Mid Oct. through email I found out that I was hired and was going to be training in Hawaii. Well in the middle of Nov. I got another email with a packet of information that I needed to fill out, then scan and email back. Did that and now I have just been waiting.

I understand that large companies move slowly, but this is ridiculous! I have currently got rid of my car, since I won't need it, and am still living at my parent, not only to save money, but because I hardly have any money to my name. As much as I love my parents and my family I've lived on my own a couple of times and have my own way of doing things, we get on each others nerves. and now with getting rid of my car I've had to revert to asking permission to borrow one of their cars.

I thank everyone for their support and patience with me. I just wish I could learn what Heavenly Father wants/wishes me to learn so that I can get on with this. What does He have in store for me?

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years 2010!!!

Its now the year 2010, nothing has changed other than a ton of new goals/resolutions to work on and more than half of them will get broken.
Its proven that when you have somewhere to report your progress see your results, see what you've done, and where you need to go to finish/follow through, you will more than likely finish your goals. So that is what my blog is going to help me with... following through with my New Years Resolutions. I'll write down my goals and report how I'm doing. I'll do that in the next few days.
Today I'm just going to talk about last night.
I'm usually not a fan of YSA (young single adult) activities, most of the people that show up are people that I have known forever. And thats how it started out. I had no other plans and Veronica wanted to go so I decided I would go with her, and her friend Kristy came up from Orem to hang as well.
We got to the institute and wandered around seeing what all was happening. There were games going on, a movie playing, food, and dancing. Dancing was what we decided as there were a few cute guys. So we started just dancing and Veronica's friend Jeremiah was there and started dancing with us. And he brought his two brothers and a couple friends, who danced with us the rest of the night and celebrated the new year with us :) it was a ton of fun.
Then they decided to invite us over to their apartment for a movie so we said yesand went over and watched National Security and ddn't get home till 3am. It was so much fun! Then we decided to have a sleep over and pulled out the matresses and all crashed on the living room floor.
So here's to bringing in the New Year with old and new friends, family, and looking forward to a new year and all the wonderful things to come!!!
WELCOME 2010!!!